Thursday, 11 February 2016

Things that could go sour if your Financial Management is poor

“It is useless to give him financial advice. He pays no heed to it. Guess he has to learn it the hard way!”- This is how your father sounds, every time he sees you flaunt a new smart phone, invest in funky branded jeans or buy yourself a new super bike. It is true in most of the current youngster’s case. The generation of today believes in living in the present. They are smart, talented; start earning at a very early stage and make a name for them in whatever they do, but do not invest for future. For them money has become a commodity to enjoy life to the fullest. They are hardly disturbed about their old age, their future or even their future family’s future. But things that sound rosy don’t remain rosy forever. Money, if not well planned might soon leave your hands without a trace. Here are few unhappy events that could arise of poor financial management:

Loss of reputation

One might lose out all the repute if they turn into a pauper by not saving money at the right time. Not only will theirs, but their entire family reputation be held at stake.


Money might not be a stress buster, but with no money in your hand you are surely in for big stress. Be it paying the EMI, school fees, bills etc. money has manifested its greatness everywhere and hence with no money you get stressed out.

Lost trust

Be it friends or shop owners, no one will encourage loans where you promise to repay after a few days. If you do not pay back on time, they might lose the trust on you forever.

Also you might not be able to give your family what you promised erstwhile in terms of monitory support. The mistakes could take such an ugly turn that the family which once was opulent, would have come to a non-redeemable situation in front of your eyes. Hence proper financial planning and investment from young age is must for you to lead a respectable life in the society. Getting help from a professional financial advisor is the most profitable idea as they will help you to get a plan according to your present income and your future requirement. There are various reputed financial advisors in UK you can get in touch with them and find the best suitable option for you. 

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