Thursday, 11 February 2016

Things that could go sour if your Financial Management is poor

“It is useless to give him financial advice. He pays no heed to it. Guess he has to learn it the hard way!”- This is how your father sounds, every time he sees you flaunt a new smart phone, invest in funky branded jeans or buy yourself a new super bike. It is true in most of the current youngster’s case. The generation of today believes in living in the present. They are smart, talented; start earning at a very early stage and make a name for them in whatever they do, but do not invest for future. For them money has become a commodity to enjoy life to the fullest. They are hardly disturbed about their old age, their future or even their future family’s future. But things that sound rosy don’t remain rosy forever. Money, if not well planned might soon leave your hands without a trace. Here are few unhappy events that could arise of poor financial management:

Loss of reputation

One might lose out all the repute if they turn into a pauper by not saving money at the right time. Not only will theirs, but their entire family reputation be held at stake.


Money might not be a stress buster, but with no money in your hand you are surely in for big stress. Be it paying the EMI, school fees, bills etc. money has manifested its greatness everywhere and hence with no money you get stressed out.

Lost trust

Be it friends or shop owners, no one will encourage loans where you promise to repay after a few days. If you do not pay back on time, they might lose the trust on you forever.

Also you might not be able to give your family what you promised erstwhile in terms of monitory support. The mistakes could take such an ugly turn that the family which once was opulent, would have come to a non-redeemable situation in front of your eyes. Hence proper financial planning and investment from young age is must for you to lead a respectable life in the society. Getting help from a professional financial advisor is the most profitable idea as they will help you to get a plan according to your present income and your future requirement. There are various reputed financial advisors in UK you can get in touch with them and find the best suitable option for you. 

Three Intelligent Minds Who can Guide you on your Pension Planning

It is your retirement today and you shall be called an ‘ex’ in the same office where you had served for forty golden years. There could be a felicitation party or a farewell speech- you are in for a surprise. Your colleagues who were your pseudo family could even cry as you part with good byes. These are emotional dependencies which you can handle quite well, but what about the financial responsibility that you are to be rewarded today? Have you planned your pension investment with your retirement benefit? Your boss has decided to give you one single fat cheque today as a mark of appreciation of your dedicated service. So are you ready with your finance planning? If not, here are three people within your reach who can give you some solid pension advice which will help you to grow your money:

Resourceful Friend

A friend in need is friend indeed. Ask your best friend how he planned his pension funds. He might give you the best advice you need in the most sensible manner which you shall pay heed to. But he may not be able to analyse the risk factor and hence a professional financial advisor is strongly recommended.

The family

Your better half or your immediate family is the next person who could be your best financial advisor. They know better what is in store for you commitment wise or health wise and hence can plan your funds in the best possible way. They are not the financial adviser but they understand your life style and can recommend a plan that will match your requirement after retirement.   

Credible Banker

A banker knows to grow money well. He is the ideal person to discuss your investment for pension. He will also have a sound knowledge about the different schemes and funds that are available which could suit your lifestyle. Before they zero in some particular plan he will take various factors under consideration and also consider the possible risk factors. 

As the clock strikes twelve in the midnight, you start reminiscing the good old days at work. You also decide whom to meet and discuss your investment in detail for a secured and happy living. Among the three options the best person who can ensure a profitable pension plan for you is a banker. As he understand the present market and can calculate the approx inflation rate you will face after your retirement.

Monday, 11 January 2016

How to Spot an Experienced yet Qualified Financial Advisor

It is always recommended to take a second thought from a third person when venturing into something big, be it carrier, marriage, business plans or investment policy. The same logic holds equal importance when it comes to a pension policy and investment behind it and the norms. But before taking help from an independent financial advisor you must check his/her authenticity and kind of skills and experience he/she nurture in this said field. Following are few basic aspects which you need to keep in check before employing an advisor to comment on your pension policy

Is the said person is enrolled under the Financial Conduct Authority?

This is the prime point to be placed at the top to the check list. A person enrolled under the said authority can be regarded as a licensed and is authentic and has satisfied the basic qualifications required for a financial advisor. Check that whether their names are appearing in the website and if you find their names flashing in the same then half your concern is resolved.

Stock and financial market knowledge:

Stock market is highly unpredictable and can change its colour or rather say position like a chameleon. Your pension scheme and its value are solely dependent on the mood of the stock market and will act according on its instruction. A good and experienced advisor will know the exact way to take actions when stock exchange policy is low such that you won’t face some drastic loss. So seek this experience from them.

Pay heed to mouth referrals:

These kind referrals are unbiased and are indeed very helpful while choosing an opt personnel for your help. Online research though helps but nothing is as effective as mouth referrals. So ask your closed ones who have benefited via taking help from a financial advisor and appoint those trusted people. Apart from taking advice from your near and dear one you can also log on to different official website of financial advisors company to get a better idea of the best advisor for your needs.  

So, follow this check list and pick the best possible advisor for your financial help.  There are various reputed companies providing expert financial advisor in a very affordable rate. Do not hesitate to call them as they are the right person to convert your money in a very good investment.

Know the Difference between Several Annuity Policies and Earn Profit via Seeking Help from Policy Advisors

Retirement life is a life of relaxation, enjoyment, stretching and accomplishing all those dreams which were buried in the past in order to remain in the rat race. But dreams are only fulfilled by will power and at the same time by the back support of money. The government of UK has come up with a policy of monthly salary even after retirement and this is known as pension scheme. But this two letter word though sound and pronounce simple is not that smooth. It has various norms and conditions and is associated with several risk factors. A financial advisor is one who can save you from this.

What do they actually do?

They help you to choose among the most profitable deals for your purpose. Moreover they also guide you through the credit debit page of the complicated pension annuity Scheme. You will highlight all the features related to your pension scheme. Apart from that they will also tell you all the related risk factor and the precautionary measures to be taken to counter them.       

What is this Annuity Scheme?
An annuity is a kind of an insurance policy that insures against you surviving too long in the life run. In return for a huge sum of money (the money which you have conserved in your pension fund for future use), a trusted annuity provider (the said insurance agency) will provide you with a standard yearly income for the rest of your remaining life. This policy is indeed a great idea if you survive to a ripe old age and can enjoy the blessings of the annual income, but it is not that much profitable if you passed out early as you lose your heard earned money. 

As you can gauze from the above discussion that the entire policy of extracting annual money for the future purpose is vey complicated and required sound mathematics in order to avoid a huge loss. So taking a qualified help will be a wise step from your side. These will not only safeguard your future but will also help you earn some more towards the second innings of your life. But to ensure the best return you need to invest only in branded company. With many years of experience they know the best plan suitable to your requirement.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Pension Annuity- All you need to know about it

Annuities and Pensions are some of the efficient ways of securing a predictable and consistent income during retirement. There’re countless ways to structure them. Also you need to keep some key points in mind when setting up an amenity or pension, one of them being how to protect your loved ones if anything happens to you.

Though it’s a great thing that people are living a life, but what is you run out of money if your live longer than you had planned for. Additionally, you need to be concerned about financial security of your loved ones.

How to make the best out of pension schemes?

You’ll likely have countless options when selecting your retirement structure. Here is the list of some main considerations to keep in mind when looking one for you-

  • Inflation- Before you choose a pensions structure confirm whether your retirement will adjust for inflation or not. With this information, you can prepare a retirement strategy in a better way. For this only a good advisor can give you the exact plan that will match the financial demand of you after your retirement. 

  • Beneficiary- Beneficiary is the entity or person that’ll receive a lump-sum payment or full payments in the uncertain event of your death. If you’ve any dependents say wife or children you can mention their name in beneficiaries. Make sure your retirement plan allows you to add beneficiaries to it. 

  • Allocations- How the individual chooses to collect his/her retirement funds largely affect the benefits one can potentially avail from the fund. Popularly there are four options for pension fund allocation namely- Lump sum, single life, payments over time and Joint Survivor.

Pension Annuity is flexible, and there’re many ways of passing the funds to your heirs. It may also serve as an asset for financial security to your children, which can further lessen their financial burden. There are a number of people out there that don’t have right information about annuities. This makes it difficult for such people to choose the right retirement policy. Even they are not able to handle the withdrawals. Hence, it is always better to hire a professional expert that can help you in choosing the right retirement policy as well as guide you through the process of pension enrolment. They will ease all the difficult procedure and will ensure a profitable deal for you.

How an Independent Financial Advisor can be of your great help?

Independent Financial Advisor will not only help you in finding quality investment opportunities but can help you with your financial requirements such as that of saving or pensions. Here is the list of factors that will help you know as to why it’s wise to hire an expert financial advisor-  
  • Expertise

A number of people consider hiring professional monetary advisors for their specialized knowledge and expertise. Usually, individuals don’t have complete knowledge of various investment and money saving schemes. A professional proves out to be of great help to such people. The professionals have a team of researchers other experts that have good knowledge of financial know-how. This means that they can help you with your requirements efficiently.

  • Cost efficient 

There are number of individuals that think hiring a professional is just another expense. Actually, you cannot only save a lot of money but also multiply your savings on hiring a professional. Also, a number of reputed service providers out there offer highly graded services within cost effective rates in order to benefit their clients to maximum possible extent. If you want better investment solutions for yourself then you should consider hiring an expert monetary advisor.
  • Time Saving

You can save your precious time by hiring an expert. You’ll need not to invest your precious time in researching about potential investment opportunities if you have the professionals by your side. This is important especially if you don’t have don’t good knowledge about investment and financial opportunities. The professionals will meet all your requirements efficiently. In addition, they will guide you in finding the best solutions as per your needs. It requires lot of time and energy to find quality investment/financial solutions; hence, it’s always to hire a professional for the same.

Creating compelling financial/investment plans can prove out to be a complex. A professional financial advisor can make things easier for you. Moreover, they can also help you in targeting the most effective market. If you want to avail the benefits of potential financial /investment available out there then make sure, you hire the best brand professional expert for you. Also, make sure that professional is qualified enough to meet your requirements.  Their are various financial company in UK provides expert financial advisor in a very competitive price. You need to do a little survey to find the best option for your requirement.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

How to find an Independent Financial Advisor and what are the Benefits

Choosing a financial investor needs lots of research and you need to be absolutely sure about his authenticity and reliability. Often people are found to be reluctant when it comes to working with the investment professionals. This is particularly true in case of those investment professionals who work on commission basis and engage with various financial companies. This is one aspect which can trigger alarms as the agents would be trying to impose something extra in order to get more commission. This is one reason why most of the investors prefer to work with the financial advisors who work on the basis of hiring fee only. Considering all these aspects, an Independent Financial Advisor seems to be a much better choice.

How to find an Independent Advisor?

Finding independent consultants through referrals from relatives, friends, colleagues and other associates are very common way to get hold of a reliable and trustworthy advisor. Referrals are always helpful as you would get to know about the authenticity of the advisor you are planning to hire.

Besides, you can also approach independent advisors on your own. There are many such individuals working in the market. However, when you select one, you need to make sure that you have run a thorough background check and made sure that the individual is trustworthy and has a fair amount of reputation.

Benefits of the Financial Advisors

Here are some of the reasons why you would want to hire a financial consultant

  • A financial consultant can make things very simple for you as they are aware about the market trends. They understand all the risk factor and will also explain you all the factors before finalizing a profitable plan for your requirement.
  • There are quite a few legal aspects which need to be taken into consideration. These advisors being experts can certainly help you with this and take care of all hassle very easily.
  • They would offer you the best solution as their reputation is at stake. You can relax as they experienced professionals and expert in taking out the solution for your requirement.

Though there is certain amount of risks associated with independent advisors, however there are quite a few benefits which cannot be overlooked. The risk factor are minor and you can easily overcome them by finding a reputed financial consultant based on his/her track record.